Twice Exceptional – 2e

Twice Exceptional - 2e - Our Story

We adore 2e, twice exceptional kids, young adults and adults!  We’ve been working with this population now for 20 years.

This passion of ours was born out of our own experience raising 2e children.  It wasn’t easy!  We realized we had two kids who were exceptionally bright, but it was much more than that.  Both of us were already seasoned psychotherapists, but this was a new invitation to expand our knowledge, experience and skills.  So we dove into the research, resources and sought out knowledgeable professionals to aid in our venture.  It turned out that our son has ADHD and our daughter has hypersensitivities.  We dealt with lack of executive skills, meltdowns, bad grades, focus struggles, emotion regulation, social skills, problem-solving, perfectionism and so much more.

It took persistence, patience and many failures before we began to have success with our twice exceptional children.  We have great empathy for how exhausting, challenging and frustrating it can be to have 2e children.  You love them more than life, but they can stretch you in ways that you never imagined.  

What is Twice Exceptional - 2e?

Twice exceptional or 2e individuals are intellectually gifted and learning disabled at the same time.  Nowadays, gifted kids with ADHD, Autism or emotional disorders are also considered 2e.

Asynchrony is also very common with twice exceptional children.  A 2e 3rd grader might read at a 10th grade reading level, but only performs at a 3rd grade level in math.  Or a twice exceptional 4th grader might carry on an adult-like conversation one minute, and the next they are having an emotional meltdown.  This can often be very confusing to parents, teachers, friends and family members.  Sometimes you’ll find yourself unsure about whether to respond to them as a child or a young adult.

When testing these young people it’s normal to see some of their results in the superior range, while other scores show impairment.  Many gifted and talented children are often mistakenly put into LD classes due to some of the testing results.  Other times kids are placed in gifted classes with no accommodations for their areas of impairment.  Worse yet are the children who cannot get into gifted programming because the school system is focusing solely on the disability.

2e and Twice Exceptional Young Adults and Adults

Many gifted and talented young adults and adults either fail repeatedly or survive childhood to become underperforming adults.  The impact on self-esteem, personal drive and achievement can be devastating.  Their struggles also have a profound impact on interpersonal, family and work relationships.

Entering college and transitioning into the workforce can be very challenging times for twice exceptional individuals and should be planned for accordingly.

Benefits of Having a 2e - Twice Exceptional Coach

  • Identification of gifts and areas of struggle
  • Increased awareness
  • Better grades
  • Parenting strategies that work with 2e - twice exceptional individuals
  • Improved self esteem
  • Connection to vital resources
  • Self acceptance
  • Setting realistic goals
  • Organization skills
  • Mood regulation
  • Enhanced social skills
  • Increased level of tolerance for frustrating situations
  • Improved relationships
  • Better communication skills
  • And more

Where To Begin? And What Fees Can I Expect?

You have multiple options for contacting us by phone (317-865-1674), form or text.  The twice exceptional coaching intake is 1-hour long and costs $250.  All subsequent sessions are $200 each.  

We have 5 exceptional 2e coaches available.  You can start right away.  


Please use the form below to send us any Coaching questions you may have. Also, text us any time at (317) 559-7325 or use the blue "Ask Your Coaching Question" tab, located in the bottom left of this page.

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